

Readonly Shareds
shared checked_tests:INT; .. Included as checked_tests
shared class_name_str:STR; .. Included as class_name_str
**** The name of the tested class.
shared failure_docs:FLIST{STR}; .. Included as failure_docs
**** The documentation of the failures.
shared failures:FLIST{INT}; .. Included as failures
**** The tests which failed.
shared test_number:INT; .. Included as test_number
**** Which test.

Writable Shareds
shared checked_tests:INT; .. Included as checked_tests
shared class_name_str:STR; .. Included as class_name_str
**** The name of the tested class.
shared failure_docs:FLIST{STR}; .. Included as failure_docs
**** The documentation of the failures.
shared failures:FLIST{INT}; .. Included as failures
**** The tests which failed.
shared test_number:INT; .. Included as test_number
**** Which test.

class_name(nm:STR) .. Included as class_name
**** Specify the name of the class being tested. Must be called first.
finish .. Included as finish
**** Complete the testing on the current class.
raise_test(testname:$STR,testrout:ROUT:FMT,should:STR) .. Included as raise_test
**** Performs the test with the desciption 'doc'. The routine 'testrout' is expected to raise an exception with the string representation 'should'.
test(doc_ds,does_ds,should_ds:$STR) .. Included as test
**** Perform the test with the description `doc', return value `does', and desired return value `should'. Keep track of failures.
unchecked_test(doc_ds,does_ds,should_ds:$STR) .. Included as unchecked_test
**** Perform the test with the description `doc', return value `does', and desired return value `should'. Don't keep track of failures.

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